- Bolla
Bolla Technologies was created to provide the precision machining industry a place to go where only select products which have been carefully vetted to perform to a higher level are sold. Their SIO line of coolant delivery products for CNC Mills, Grinders and Lathes enhance cooling, improve surface finish, reduce cycle and remove chips and swarf more effectively.
SIO Coolant Nanobubble Generators
Long used in machine shops in Japan, nanobubble generators have demonstrated the ability to significantly increase "Speed and Feed" rates, lengthen tool life, enhance surface cooling, remove chips and sward, and help eradicate bacterial growth and biofilms in coolant lines. This patented technology makes use of nano sized bubbles to measurably improve the performance of coolants used on CNC machines, band saws, and parts cleaning stations.
SIO Sniper Nozzles
Sniper Grinding Wheel Nozzles maximize heat removal performance by spraying coolant evenly into the fine crevices of workpieces, grinding wheels, and cutting tools. The most sutable Sniper Nozzle is selected according to the width of the grinding wheel or the diameter of the drill to achieve the best process results.
SIO Rectifier Nozzles
12 Dec 2023